About Our Organization

Coalition for the Urban Poor: Lifting Lives, Building Hope

In the heart of bustling urban landscapes, where hope and struggle often intertwine, lies the Coalition for the Urban Poor (CUP). We are a dedicated organization, fueled by the belief that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their zip code. We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the urban poor, amplifying their voices, advocating for their rights, and empowering them to build brighter futures.

Founded on the principle of collaboration and community-driven solutions, CUP goes beyond simply providing aid. We champion holistic development, addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by urban communities. From child protection and education to livelihood and food security initiatives, we work tirelessly to break the cycle of poverty and unlock the potential within each individual.


Promotion, coordination and advocacy for rights, entitlement and sustainable development of urban poor living in city corporations, municipalities and other urban growth centers of the country.


A productive, just, secured and environmentally sound urban society where all categories of urban poor are enjoying equal rights and dignity and living a prosperous life.

Legal Status

After complying necessary formality CUP obtained its legal entity from the NGO Affairs Bureau vide Registration. No 1502 on 18 April 2000 under Foreign Donation Registration & Regulation Act 1978 which has consequently renewed up to 2027