About Our Organization
The rapid growth of the urban population in Bangladesh overruns the resource and management capability of the authorities that provide the poor with basic and socio-economic services. With this assumption a good number of Non-Governmental Organizations stepped forward to augment the process of the advancement of the urban poor in the late 1980s. After working for a considerable period of time the NGOs working with the poor realized that many of the problems relating to the uplift of the urban poor could not be handled or solved in isolation. Their experience showed that the role of individual initiative in solving multi-dimensional and complicated problems of the urban poor could not be denied but consolidated / coordinated efforts in this direction were imperative. In this perspective, the leaders of the urban NGOs decided to form a coalition/network organization which would identify the major problems of the urban poor, implement appropriate programmes and prevent any duplication of efforts made by NGOs assigned to uplift the urban poor. Hence, the Coalition for the Urban Poor (CUP) was established in the year 1989.

CUP is a networking organization of more than 80 Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), both national and international, including donor agencies working in the urban areas in Dhaka and other major cities of the country, with special emphasis on the interests of the urban poor. CUP particularly focuses on the habitat rights and other related needs (water, sanitation, poverty alleviation, awareness building on important aspects of life) of the poor urban people living in the slums and squatter settlements. CUP as a Coalition of NGOs is also engaged in policy advocacy and resource mobilization activities.
Currently, donor agencies like the Department for International Development (DFID) and PRIP Trust-Bangladesh have been providing major financial and technical support to CUP. Under an agreement CUP is a strategic partner of CONCERN Bangladesh and will remain so up to 2013.
It is worthy of mention here that many institutions, university departments, researchers and other professionals who are directly concerned with the cause and issues of the urban poor are closely associated with CUP and have been contributing in their own ways to CUP’s mission.
Legal Status
After complying necessary formality CUP obtained its legal entity from the NGO Affairs Bureau vide Registration. No 1502 on 18 April 2000 under Foreign Donation Registration & Regulation Act 1978 which has consequently renewed up to 2017.
Promotion, coordination and advocacy for rights, entitlement and sustainable development of urban poor living in city corporations, municipalities and other urban growth centers of the country.
A productive, just, secured and environmentally sound urban society where all categories of urban poor are enjoying equal rights and dignity and living a prosperous life.
Objectives & Functions of CUP
Advocacy for pro-poor policy formulation/reformation. Develop working relations with policy makers & non government agencies. Making efforts to ensure participation of urban poor in the institutional process of decision making on urban development Coordination of activities of government, NGO and international organizations. Making collective efforts in resolving problems emerged in Implementing programs for development of urban poor. Monitoring implementation of commitment by the government through signing of international instruments upholding interest of the urban poor.
Interventions of CUP
Policy Advocacy:
Advocate for ensuring the rights of urban Poor on shelter for the urban poor like slum dwellers, pavement dwellers/homeless people with the policy makers & other stakeholders regards to formulate/amend/adopt necessary principal national policy documents & laws as in the Law of the land and in the national policy document provision of basic services for the urban poor. Mobilize media for raising urban poor rights issues Keenly working with Bangladesh Urban Forum on urban policy Actively represent CUP in different national & international policy forum & development agencies.
Civic amenities: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene To support environmental sanitation facilities to the urban poor areas Creating health & hygiene education & awareness.
Research, publication and documentation:
Engaged in research, publication & documentation to build up information centre with relevant information under this cell and also develop and prepare reports, documentary films and TV spot on homeless urban poor (Slum & Pavement dwellers) for wider awareness.
Capacity Building:
Institutionalize CUP and enhance the capacity of member NGOs for influencing the government to adopt policies for ensuring the civic rights of the slum and pavement dwellers. CUP is engaged to capacity building of CBOs for building institutional and networking capacity.
Coordination & Network:
Coordinate and collaboration with member organizations and other relevant national & international organizations/network, forums stakeholders for ensuring accessibility in all the civic amenities of urban poor and reducing duplication. CUP also coordinates with government for pro-poor policy formulation and program implementation. Linkage Development & Resource Mobilization: Sensitize the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) and civil society organizations about the issue of urban settlement the condition of squatters and their rights is the prime objective of this unit.
CUP’s Core Agenda
- To carry out social mobilization involving the NGOs and civil society and the urban poor to address the task of policy changes needed to realize the rights of the urban poor as mentioned in the Covenant of Habitat (I & II) Agenda
- To involve the urban poor in the resources allocation process
- To enable the member NGOs to effectively meet the needs of the urban slum dwellers
Organogram of CUP
According to the Constitution of CUP, a 53 –member General Council constitutes the highest body of the organization. CUP has a 15 – member executive committee elected by the member organizations for a period of two years which oversees the organizations countrywide activities headed by the Chairperson. The Executive Director acts as the ex-officio Member Secretary to the Executive Committee and is the management official of the organization. He is assisted by other programme and support staff.